
If you’re not satisfied with any item‚ simply return it to us at any time.

Refunds and Exchanges

  • Refund requests received within 90 days of purchase will be issued to the original form of payment when available. Refunds processed beyond 90 days, along with those lacking proof of purchase from LacorsaGame will be refunded at LaCorsaGame's discretion.
  • Refunds will be issued for the original purchase price when accompanied by proof of purchase from LacorsaGame. If neither the customer, nor LacorsaGame can locate this documentation, refunds will be issued at the value determined by LacorsaGame
  • Exchanges will be issued for same-style merchandise, if available, when accompanied by proof of purchase from LacorsaGame. If neither the customer, nor LacorsaGame can locate this documentation and/ or same-style merchandise is not available, refunds will be issued at a value determined by LacorsaGame.

Defective Part or Shipping Issue

If you need a part replaced due to a manufacturing defect or shipping mishap, please contact us and we will remedy the issue to the best of our ability.

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